OUR Brands

HMP, proud distributor of:

HMP distributes
good hemp

Good Hemp is a leading manufacturer of hemp seed products. Processed in a unique, state-of-the-art factory in North Devon, set up by hemp pioneers Henry Braham and Glynnis Murray. Their vision is a world with only sustainable food! That's why they make high-quality vegan food, drinks and sports nutrition products from the finest hemp seed ingredients. 

HMP distributes

Fully sourced from Dutch soil, H’oly CBD oil is a food supplement for supporting our overall well-being. Made from the tops and leaves of Dutch industrial hemp, the CBD is produced with hemp seed oil or olive oil.  

HMP distributes

Amstergum represents the feeling of Amsterdam: fun! It is the city of freedom! Amstergum reminds you of the crazy and exciting experience of a visit to the Dutch capital. Taste the Amsterdam vibes in our chewing gum: Amstergum.

HMP distributes
Dutch Harvest
Dutch Harvest is a growing Dutch tea brand. Their organic tea does not contain any caffeine nor theine. The tea naturally contains CBD, which can help with relaxation and insomnia.
For the optimal taste and best experience of the hemp blends, Dutch Harvest is only available as loose tea.

General inquiry? Let us know!

A relaxing tea with Kees? A delicious hemp cappucino with Piet? Or a h'oly CBD moment with Christian?

Call us at +31 (0)174 505318
Mail to info@hmp-distribution.com
or fill out our contact form!